This website uses Google Analytics to collect anonymous information such as the number of visitors to the site, and the most popular pages. I’m amazed that you managed to distill feedback from all those stakeholders and find a new, viable solution that everyone loves.”, “I realize it wasn’t easy to admit you were running behind on this project, but I’m so glad you were honest. “Everyone, I just want to call out Brianne. I might ask you to teach a time management course to the rest of the company.”, “I’m proud that you put yourself out there and attended that networking event. I hope you might consider taking them to the next level by leading our next big project in this area.”, “I wanted to tell you that one of our clients was just raving about the work you did to plan that perfect meeting. About Your employee recognition strategy should cover a wide range of competencies and contributions. Don’t get caught always using the feedback sandwich, which looks like this: Positive feedback + Constructive Feedback + Positive Feedback. Why you should provide feedback for this: Providing feedback to the employees who are always there for you is always a good policy. Feedback-ul respecta autonomia: „Iata parerea mea, nu esti obligat sa o urmezi.” A da feedback constructiv inseamna a comunica despre lucrurile care te deranjeaza la ceilalti pastrand respectul fata de ei si, in masura in care este posibil, si obiectivitatea. Public recognition can elevate the benefits of regular feedback. “You really went above and beyond to solve this complex issue in a timely manner. Keep up the great work.”. If you had kept quiet and failed to meet our deadline, we might be in hot water with the big boss.”, “I admired how you admitted you lacked deep knowledge and experience in Python. Buna treaba. Don’t leave your feedback recipient wondering why what they did matters. TIPOLOGIA FEEDBACK-ULUI: CÂND, ... ilustrat de exemple ... pozitiv în timp ce, alţi colegi, din acelaşi colectiv, sunt afectaţi în mai mare măsură în cazul practicării variantei de tip negativ. “A crescut numărul vânzărilor, ceea ce este extraordinar, dar am observat că ai tendința de a evita să lucrezi cu restul echipei de vânzări. Website Accessibility Policy, 59 Exciting Employee Engagement Ideas Am auzit de foarte multe ori persoane care spun : ”Spune-mi ce am greșit ca să pot să îmbunatățesc” Deși intenția este bună, avem nevoie să știm atât ce … How to bolster this feedback: Give employees items like books, planners, and journals that celebrate their propensity for forward-thinking and self reflection. If we apply that same effort to our next project, I believe we can win.”, Get more feedback best practices in our article You’ve come a long way, and the team is better for it.”, 2. How to bolster this feedback: Get these star attendees accessories and items to spruce up their desks or workspaces since they are always there. Conform definiției oferite de Dicționarul Oxford, pe lângă sensul tehnic al acestui cuvânt, feedbackul reprezintă un set de informații despre performanța unei persoane sau a unui produs. Your attitude really has an effect on people.”. When you see it, help it shine! Iata si alte idei care te pot ajuta sa oferi un alt fel de feedback copiilor, unul care sa aiba un real impact pozitiv asupra educatiei acestuia: In loc sa scoti in evidenta greselile, invata-l cum sa le evite data viitoare. Privacy Policy SnackNation is a healthy office snack delivery service that makes healthy snacking fun, life more productive, and workplaces awesome. Această sesiune este opțională, însă puternic recomandată. Behavioral feedback is feedback that is focused on an employee's specific behavior that needs adjustment. Giving positive feedback similar to. Intrucat feedback-ul negativ este deseori mai dificil de primit, se intalneste deseori si asa-numitul “feedback-sandwich” , un feedback care le cuprinde pe cele doua. It’s also great to see your process. I’m lucky to have you on my team. This is especially important when you know the employee will only hear the kind words if you serve as messenger. Intarirea Pozitiva este cel mai important element al unui Sistem de Performanta. We provide a monthly, curated selection of healthy snacks from the hottest, most innovative natural food brands in the industry, giving our members a hassle-free experience and delivering joy to their offices. Exemple și explicații. How you managed to set it and systematically work towards it until you achieved it truly speaks to your intelligence, tenacity, and perseverance. The Ultimate Guide to Effective 1-on-1s for Managers. This experience will create a strong memory they will always associate with their achievement. Employee feedback, as simple as it is, has the power to unlock someone’s full potential. How to bolster this feedback: Further encourage learning and development with gifts that help and inspire them to learn even more skills. “It can be tough relating to your former peers after a promotion. Thanks, keep doing amazing.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Vom invata impreuna cum trebuie folosit feedback-ul pentru a avea rezultate si cum nu trebuie folosit, astfel incat sa nu se transforme intr-un … Mai jos ai câteva exemple de feedback negativ și pozitiv, dar și explicarea lor. 39 Thoughtful Employee Appreciation Ideas În condițiile în care ceea ce avem de spus nu are o încărcătură pozitivă, sarcina de a oferi feedback se poate dovedi suficient de dificilă încât să ne găsim adesea motive de a o evita. It’s easy to believe an employee knows she’s really good at something, but that’s not always true. “I want to thank you for demonstrating optimism in the face of uncertainty this morning. In today’s knowledge economy, problem-solving is more important than ever before. Positive feedback (exacerbating feedback, self-reinforcing feedback) is a process that occurs in a feedback loop which exacerbates the effects of a small disturbance. 17. Feedback-ul pozitiv este extrem de util pentru a motiva persoanele sa continue sa aiba rezultate bune si pentru a incuraja repetarea comportamentului.Recomanda Acest Ghid! Quality Master: The World Class Insight About Quality, 6) They went above and beyond the call of duty, 9) They attended a personal development or networking event, 10) They did something for their community, 16) They contributed or changed company culture, People Also Ask These Questions About Positive Feedback, Swipe one of these employee recognition ideas, 39 Thoughtful Employee Appreciation Ideas, 59 Ridiculously Fun Virtual Happy Hour Ideas, 100 Fun Office Games & Activities for Employees, 25 Virtual Holiday Party Ideas For Spirited Festive Fun, 74 Insanely Fun Team Building Activities for Work, The Best Employee Recognition Software Platforms, 121 Corporate Gift Ideas Your Clients and Customers Will Love, “I saw that you learned how to use pivot tables for your Excel project and it really helped display the data. Un feedback pozitiv are ca scop in primul rand stabilizarea si intarirea modului in care cineva obtine performanta. Feedback is communication designed to provide others with knowledge of performance and knowledge of results.This can be informal communication that occurs in passing conversation. 79 Unique Gifts For Employees Introducere Procesul de oferire şi recepţionare a feedbackului este unul din cele mai importante concepte în procesul de instruire. Keep it up.”, 12. Reguli de a oferi feedback 2. Este evident faptul că neavând un fundament al învățării bazate pe feedback, utilizarea acestuia ca instrument, în orice context, este o provocare. Ține cont că negativismul sau critica trebuie folosite cu multă grijă. Some talented people really struggle in that area. Feedback examples: “I saw that you learned how to use pivot tables for your Excel project and it really helped display the data. 8 Exemple de feedback constructiv pentru angajatii tai si cum le poti folosi in practica ta zilnica Care este fundamentul unei culturi de feedback in clinica ta Studiile au demonstrat ca exista o legatura directa intre sanatatea si gradul de satisfactie al unui medic si cel al organizatiei in care acesta lucreaza. Negativ. Feedbackul evaluativeste bine primit numai atunci când este pozitiv, dacă este negativ, foarte rar va duce la îmbunătățirea unui comportament și conform … Great work!”, 8. What is employee feedback and why is it important? Feedback can also be formally documented and communicated as part of business processes such as performance management.The following are illustrative examples of feedback. Thank you.”. As a manager, you need team members who will drive things forward. Evident, asta nu înseamnă că trebuie să fii întotdeauna pozitiv(ă). “Thanks to your willingness to take risks and learn from mistakes, we solved a problem that could have cost the company a lot in the long run. Make a moment in the chaos to recognize employees who handle it exceptionally well, and spread the good vibes to others amid the uncertainty of change. Feedback-ul pozitiv permite identificarea şi promovarea acelor elemente ce au produs performanţa. Ne place sau nu, suntem aproape zilnic puși în postura de a oferi feedback. I just thought you should know that.”, “What you did last week when you inspired everyone in the meeting to speak up absolutely embodied our value of listening to all voices and perspectives. Results matter! Pana si acesta trebuie livrat corect. It showed a great team spirit, and made the transition smoother for everyone.”. The success of the customer experience is what keeps the wheels spinning at an organization! That’s the kind of service that makes us proud. Feedback-ul pozitiv permite identificarea şi promovarea acelor elemente ce au produs performanţa. Build a happy workplace with the examples of positive feedback we’ve included below. Greseli in oferirea Feedbackului. 25 Virtual Holiday Party Ideas For Spirited Festive Fun I’m so glad you pointed this out. Handcrafted in Los Angeles. 28 Una dintre cele mai placute sarcini la locul de munca este aceea de a oferi un feedback pozitiv. I’m so glad you decided to carve out the time to lend your expertise to this initiative.”, “Your emails have gotten so much more clear recently. Team player attitude? Terms and Conditions Take a breath to provide constructive feedback, and you’re ensuring you’ll have the support and problem-solving skills of this stand-out employee the next time an unplanned disaster strikes. “Niall, I just need to take a second to acknowledge: Change is scary, and not everyone responds with as much positivity as you did. Găseşte exemple relevante, care să aibă legătură cu poziţia pentru care candidezi şi nu uita că astfel îţi poţi evidenţia cel mai bine diferite competenţe. Why you should provide feedback for this: Achieving a goal could be the most clear-cut reason to reward employees. Thank you for always being so positive. “A crescut numărul vânzărilor, ceea ce este extraordinar, dar am observat că ai tendința de a evita să lucrezi cu restul echipei de vânzări. Oferirea feedback-ului poate fi un subiect foarte delicat, deoarece problema abordată poate fi modul în care conduce șeful tău. Așadar, dacă nu oferi feedback candidaților, este indicat să începi s-o faci (mai bine mai târziu decât niciodată), să le explici motivul, să le povestești cum a decurs procesul de recrutare și chiar să le prezinți noi oportunități în cadrul companiei dacă au potențial. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Member Reviews Un feedback pozitiv are ca scop in primul rand stabilizarea si intarirea modului in care cineva obtine performanta. Coach RoCoach . Seriously, keep up the good work.”, 20. When bosses give employees specific, meaningful feedback, the resulting impact can completely change someone’s attitude or even alter the course of their career. SnackNation Insights Connect the dots for them, by praising both the effort they put in, and also the outcome it led to. We are constantly in close dialogue as we appreciate the feedback goes both ways. Check! In esenta, putem distinge un feedback pozitiv (de apreciere a comportamentului celuilalt) si feedback-ul negativ sau de dezvoltare (in care se exprima dezacordul legat de comportamentul celuilalt). It’s true — at the heart of every success is great communication. Daniela Croitoru. Feedback-ul pozitiv încearcă comunicarea în direcţia în care se petrece, cel negativ are o funcţie corectivă, ajutând la „ameliorarea” demersului comunicaţional. Please enable Strictly Necessary Cookies first so that we can save your preferences! “Your time management has really turned around since last quarter. The importance of great conflict resolution skills should not be undervalued. Această sesiune este opțională, însă puternic recomandată. The world could use more people like you!”, “I heard that you serve on the board of a local nonprofit. “You demonstrated a lot of initiative today by calling the team together to problem-solve the hiccups. Because at Kazoo, we’re passionate about bringing together all the tools you need to make work work better for everyone. Așadar, feedbackul nu reprezintă o opinie personală arbitrară acordată în mod nejustificat și impusă altora de pe o poziție ierarhică superioară. How to bolster this feedback: Employees who give back deserve treats that give back to them, helping them regroup and recharge after putting in extra work to support others. But positive feedback matters just as much, if not more, than constructive feedback — which is why we’re sharing some of our favorite positive feedback examples. Altfel spus, A produce mai mult B, care, la rândul său, produce mai mult A. În schimb, un sistem care răspunde la o perturbație într-un mod care reduce efectul acesteia este un sistem cu feedback negativ. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when using these positive feedback examples: Hearing “Great job!” is much less effective than hearing “Great job leading that meeting. Este bine sa oferi sugestii constructive colegilor si chiar sefilor, cat timp pozitia ta in companie este una respectata si apreciata. Feedbackul este acordat cu scopul precis de a crea un echilibru în cadrul unei echi… Oferă-le feedback fără frică! Feedback-ul oferit angajaților în mod constructiv este foarte important atunci când vrei să-ți ajuți oamenii să se dezvolte. Feedback-ul are scopul de a îmbunătăți o situație sau performanța unei persoane. Feedback-ul este un instrument folosit permanent, indiferent de domeniu. În condițiile în care ceea ce avem de spus nu are o încărcătură pozitivă, sarcina de a oferi feedback se poate dovedi suficient de dificilă încât să ne găsim adesea motive de a o evita. “Feedback-ul activ constructiv ne ajută să dezvoltăm și să menținem relații personale strânse. 23. Encourage these employees to stick with it, and they’ll stick around for you. Check! Știai că 69% dintre angajații români spun că nu ar mai aplica la o companie care nu le-a oferit feedback? 2 3. Servant leadership? “Lena, this was a really challenging project. Make a habit of not only recognizing employees on an individual level, but also doing so in front of their peers. Every once in a while, take a step back to acknowledge immeasurable contributions of the people who epitomize your values. How to bolster this feedback: Reinforce your feedback with a reward employees can experience or touch. This double-dose of reinforcement will inspire employees to repeat their efforts, creating a learning loop that benefits everyone. Introducere Procesul de oferire şi recepţionare a feedbackului este unul din cele mai importante concepte în procesul de instruire. 19. “I’d love for you to keep that big-picture vision while working on those little blind spots. Whether an employee has identified efficiency in their new role or experienced an epiphany about an old and well-documented process, this spirit of constant improvement should be nurtured if you want to achieve optimal business operations. Este evident faptul că neavând un fundament al învățării bazate pe feedback, utilizarea acestuia ca instrument, în orice context, este o provocare. Afla din articol ce inseamna feedback si cum se foloseste eficient. How can I help you continue to succeed?”. Această sesiune a fost propusă drept unul din cele două exemple din manual 18, menite să arate cum poate fi folosită o sesiune de feedback pentru a evalua o unitate de învățare. “Hanif, the fact that you immediately started asking how you could help make the change easier for the team was so helpful. Everyone, round of applause for Brianne!”, 24. I know it wasn’t easy when that technology solution you presented didn’t work out. Why you should provide feedback for this: Stoking employee motivation after a mistake may influence where they place their energy next. It’s now the most successful line in our portfolio, and I can honestly say, there’s no way it would exist without your dedication.”, “I believe I would be lost if you weren’t in the office, and I’m happy to say that I don’t even know if I’m right. You’ve really improved, and everyone’s better for it.”. Offer them organizational tools, chore services, and other items that improve day-to-day life. Poate să fie vorba de discuția cu colegi, angajați și/sau candidați, cu furnizori și, de ce nu, chiar cu clienți. Cum (si de ce) sa oferi un feedback pozitiv. Este frumos, ce-i drept, sa dai sfaturi, insa doar atunci cand o persoana le cere. 2 3. Bolster this feedback with gifts they can use to share a toast or a treat with their coworkers. 19 Mai 2005, Management. I would love to work with you to develop those skills. The 4 Secrets of OKRs That Actually Work. Show appreciation, and celebrate the little wins. De la cel mai recent angajat pana la cel cu vechimea cea mai mare, nu exista persoana care sa nu aprecieze o incurajare potrivita, oferita din cand in cand de catre manager un factor extrem de important de motivare si satisfactie la locul de munca. In esenta, putem distinge un feedback pozitiv (de apreciere a comportamentului celuilalt) si feedback-ul negativ sau de dezvoltare (in care se exprima dezacordul legat de comportamentul celuilalt).
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