Asked By: Candance Kafferlein | Last Updated: 15th March, 2020. Our abbreviation list spans 13 pages. ASC ………………… anterior subcapsular cataract What does LOL (not laugh out loud…) stand for in a binocular vision test measuring a patient’s horizontal vergence ranges? How long does it take for Medpros to update? terms in Ophtha. I think you can order on Amazon, also. OCS = Ophthalmic Coding Specialist How to obtain your ORB/ERB from AKO (Active duty Soldiers only): ... IMR is an abbreviation for individual medical readiness. NVG ………………… neovascularization glaucoma I noticed my doctor writing the following in his notepad after my checkup. Tap ………………… pressure (applination) ICG = Indofyanine Green angiography Page I A DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH SYNONYMES AND SYNONYMOUS OR PARALLEL EXPRESSIONS DESIGNED AS A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO APTNESS AND VARIETY OF PHRASEOLOGY BY RICHARD SOULE The exertion of clothing a thought in a completely new set of words increases both clearness of thought and mastery over words. What does LRI mean? sc = without correction (I assume this was a documentation mistake) Does anyone know what CMR is? PD = pupillary distance Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) Soundtrack Sunday: The 2021 Grammy Awards Nominees Playlist CLARE – The only abbreviation (if it is one)I am still missing is f/u, which is used immediately before what seems to be the name of the condition (“chronic ant uveitis”). ALT ………………… argon laser trabeculoplasty PPV ………………… pars plana vitrectomy o.d. What is the CPT procedure code for Orb scan? ET ………………… esotropia NSC ………………… nuclear sclerotic cataract What is access key and secret key in AWS? BID ………………… twice a day LTG, please! PED ………………… persistent epithelial defect RLL ………………… right lower lid Please help clear this issue up for me!! What could GOA mean as in the following passage: and for judith, TID is three times daily. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Operation performed: ECCE with PC IO/OD. BCVA = Best corrected visual acuity NV ………………… neovascularization FOL ………………… follicles I keep reading reports from an ophthalmologist outside my hospital system that say: I know what DM, BDR, s w/line, c/with line mean. Fabulous site, so very helpful! Tono ………………… pressure (tonopen) E’ ………………… esophoria at near SLE ………………… slit-lamp exam We need someone to come up with an app for Opthalmic techs for all these terms and abbreviations. LTB = Left the building (can be used to tell your location, or precede with D for Doctor) Originated from “Elvis has left the building” XOXO ………………… hugs and kisses TTNL? I am an Optician learning to become an Ophthamolic Tech and this website is extremely useful, and fun. 1. a. and what does CL mean when used in sentence “consider tinted CL”, I ENJOYD LOOKING THROUGH YOUR LIST IT WAS ENLIGHTENING. NVF: No view of fundus (makes sense if there is a cataract) What does CSM stand for? CSME ………………… clinically significant macular edema My educated guess is that there should be a space between SRF and OD. SOOA – superior oblique overaction In the section of the record for the ophthalmoscopy exam, there are two open sections for right and left (which I think is the place where the doctor can draw a picture of the eye) and in each, the doctor has written “III”. BLP ………………… bare light perception 4. NVD ………………… neovascularization of the disk This is the size of the optic nerve both horizontal and vertical. 1. WNL ………………… within normal limits EO and POOLE are not abbreviations used in ophthalmology, at least not in my experience practicing in the us. CHMP:Compound hyperopia, myopia, and presbyopia J1,J2 ………………… Jaeger (near vision scale J1+=20/20) OD ………………… oculus dexter (the right eye) Using the context of “Pt advised”, I am guessing that’s what they mean! ARMD ………………… age-related macular degeneration 4. What does CSM stand for? CSME – I see this one all the time as CME – cystoid macular edema CF ………………… confrontational fields or count fingers thank you all i’ve made my own Big list , like i said, i’ve made a biger one:) NPDR ………………… non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy I’m not sure what BOR stands for……any ideas? Sc ………………… sans correction (no glasses) Any suggestions? At discharge Does anyone know what the following abbreviations stand for? ERM ………………… epiretinal membrane Help desk: 1-703-681-4976 or 1-888-849-4341. does anyone know “sps” – referring to conjunctiva/sclera? ing, aims 23. PI ………………… peripheral iridotomy COE = Certified Ophthalmic Executive This index is intended to consist solely of Army in Europe peculiar terminology. Handy list of ophthalmology / Optometry acronyms / abbreviations. Anyone suggest an app they have found? What does NAD means ? But was could sc w/line mean? Anyone know what AT’s means These are not recommended because of the obvious risk of the potentially dangerous confusion that could result in a once-a-day medication being given 4 times a day. And finally: CHA:Compound hyperopia and astigmatism 5. XOP- Exophoria. Come across this in the fundoscope diagram. And the basic slit lamp ones: CL ………………… clear, contact lens IOP ………………… intraocular pressure BO ………………… base out (prism) NVE ………………… neovascularization elsewhere DR ………………… diabetic retinopathy Also Know, what is Army Medpros? 5. c/l h/v APD ………………… afferent pupil defect 3. What does the “III” refer to? NSFW = Not safe for work RAPD ………………… relative afferent papillary defect Does Hermione die in Harry Potter and the cursed child? Hi! Am an optometry this is very useful to me.. It is supposed to be some sort of target that the patient focuses on, but I do not know exactly what that is. QD ………………… once a day Would this mean the patient has diabetic retinopathy? DOTW = Doctor on the way EDITOR: Well, IOL is IntraOcular Lens. W/A: unsure. In my opinion NBDR is confusing… NPDR is non proliferative diabetic retinopathy, so doing NBDR can get confused with that. L ………………… lens Fabulous site, so very helpful! SOP- Esophoria. E(T)- intermittant esotropia 1. I can not find this abbreviation when googling. 8. Thanks for the wonderful help. DQ ………………… deep and quite EXT ………………… external Thanks for your help. Davis Publishing Company. Hx: history I conduct national seminars on coding, documentaion and billing for eyecare (optometry and ophthalmology. CLPU – HT ………………… hypertropia Brandy thank you for your help. I saw that CSME is clinically significant Macular edema. I am currently in school for medical transcriptionist/editor and this is like a goldmine. I saw these in an ophthalmologist/optometrist report. V or Va ………………… vision or visual acuity PRN = as needed Abbreviations used in eye-related list-serves: IMHO = In my humble opinion NVA ………………… neovascularization of the angle what does btl mean when given for uncorrected acuity for an infant, For putting drops in my eyes my drs notes read: the whole list u can find in here: PTC- pseudotumor cerebri (I don’t know what is used by those who call it idiopathic intracranial hypertension) How do I find my AWS Access Key and Secret Access Key? I can get the PC and the OU, but confused on the LI……. What can ya do? What is (what looks like) Scedema, left eye OR Scodoma, left eye? 2. Mail or fax a Request Pertaining to Military Records (Standard Form SF 180) to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC). Thanks. What does abbreviation PC LI OU stand for? OU ………………… oculus uterque (both eyes) ago (4/29/2013 to be exact)… I found out the answer today…sad I know… anyway FESA= Full Extensive Smooth and Accurate…. LRI – Limbal Relaxing Incision PEE ………………… punctate epithelial erosion HE ………………… hard exudates 〒700-0026 岡山市北区奉還町2丁目7番1号 tel : 086-255-2000 fax : 086-255-2010 ©asahi medical college PEK ………………… punctate epithelial keratopathy Dr said AT’s PRN and its under plan… Hi Could someone tell me what does MEWD stands for? X(T)’- intermittant exotropia at near POOLE: they may have meant PERRLA (pupils equally round reactive to light and accommodation). 3 NS trace POAG ………………… primary open angle glaucoma VH ………………… vitreous hemorrhage FDMV = Failed DMV – to alert Tech or Doc patient may want form (despite declining at front) or prepare for decreased vision. the , . MA ………………… microaneurysms gigi October 28, 2010 at 3:17 pm. David Berger begründet in 67 Sekunden, warum er trotz seiner CDU-Mitgliedschaft dieses Mal mit Erst- und Zweitstimme die AfD wählen wird. what is FN in optometry?what is DLK IN OPTOMETRY? Mild BOR-OS”. What is CC/USUM and UCUSUM on acuity -best correction Distance? Probably Anterior Chamber angle open in all quadrants (not seen this written like this though) (not higher surgical training) 1. BRAO ………………… branch retinal artery occlusion Two renowned investment advisors and authors of the bestseller The Great Reckoning bring to light both currents of disaster and the potential for prosperity and renewal in the face of radical changes in human history as we move into the next century. OCT = Optical coherence tomography Vsc ………………… vision (sans correction) A good list- here’s a few more: A or Acc ………………… accommodation The exact notation was as follows: Additionally, how do I access my army mods? We use FA for Fluorescein Angiography, and FAF for Fundus AutoFluoresence… so.. PCO ………………… posterior capsular opacification What is FFA and ICG something to do with angiograms. Is CAT appropriate abbreviation for a cataract. To direct or propel (an object, such as a ball) toward a point: aimed the pass at a wide receiver; aimed the shot at the lower right corner of the goal. At admission: ROP ………………… retinopathy of prematurity Never mind… I think it is Line of Letters. FC ………………… finger counting NV = Near Vision An operation was performed: extraction of crystalline lens of both sides. I know it is something related to no abnormalities found . RE c P. I know what #1 means, but not #2. MP ………………… membrane peel o_O I would love it if a Dr put ROFL on his/her note! Philosophy enables the physician to discern between truth and illusion, or between reality and mere surface appearances, which is so important in diagnosis. QID=four times per day I would think it means that there is NO diabetic retinopathy. AOA = American Opt0metric Association PHPV ………………… persistent hyperplastic of primary vitreous BIO – QD – every day, or once a day – Latin, quaque die COMT = Certified Ophthalmic Medical Technician PTC ………………… pseudotumor cerebri Vit ………………… vitreous Sign me up to Tim Root's email newsletter! SRFOD HST ………………… horse shoe tear Here is another one I run across “FC” finger count. Thank you! I am looking at a note that says “V. Ophthalmology/Optometry Eye Abbreviations,, Of course this includes things specific to our short cuts, like CPM (continue present meds) and ccc (call with change). CMA (this can’t mean Chinese Martial Arts). what does pk mean/ in my chart ts isay s/p/ pk od, PK = Penetrating Keratoplasty (another way of saying corneal transplant). SRF ………………… subretinal fluid FFA = I am not sure. Jurnal Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia: The Indonesian Journal of Medical Education ISSN: 2654-5810 is a peer-reviewed open-access journal which publishes research and innovation in curriculum development, student-centred learning, faculty development, assessment, and learning resources in health professions education. Thank you so much! 5. VEP ………………… visual evoked potential I’m and RN and I start a new job in an ophthalmology office next month. TNO dot test ….what is the full form of TNO ? nvf (neovascularization at the fundus) Tim Root: Araceli, the term “deep and quiet” is used to describe an eye without any inflammation in the anterior chamber. These can be tricky for those not familiar with eye care. EO POOLE. You better sign up to Dr. Root's email list to get his latest ocular tips and tricks! 3. Could someone please explain me in simple terms what it means? LL ………………… lids and lacrimation CRVO ………………… central retinal vein occlusion Anyone know what DMC would be an abbreviation for? Does anybody know what it means? When I search the internet for answers to my questions, I am led to you. One of our other scribes can’t help but think of the fuzzy animal. Am doing a research paper on Abbreviations. TID ………………… three times a day Reviewing an ophtho note for a patient with MS with prior episodes of optic neuritis. It almost looks like it has refractive numbers and visual acuity after it. BID (i think means twice a day). Hello.. The original paper-document had poor print quality during scanning. ONH – DES due to lagophthalmos OU No BDR (or No DR) is how we describe it.. of course, as long as you have an abbreviation list that is kept somewhere in your office you can use whatever abbreviations you want. Do you know where I can find out what these mean? another possibility for SCH: suprachoroidal hemorrhage. PDR ………………… proliferative diabetic retinopathy What does that mean? to of and a in " 's that for on is The was with said as at it by from be have he has his are an ) not ( will who I had their -- were they but been this which more or its would about : after up $ one than also 't out her you year when It two people - all can over last first But into ' He A we In she other new years could there ? Others in strabismus: CS ………………… conjunctiva and sclera Yikes. I use it only in assessment portion of patient chart. NS trace – nuclear sclerotic (cataract) (right eye) In what era did the Signal Corps establish? s with bar on top = ‘without’? PK ………………… Penetrating keratoplasty (corneal xpl) My job is reading charts, and opthalmology charts are one of the hardest. RP ………………… retinitis pigmentosa Contact your state or county Veterans agency. CMAP:Compound myopia, astigmatism and presbyopia, you can check my list here What is DHH(T)?? What should I comment on someone singing? Squeal on: RAT OUT.Since 1902 it has been a police informant, made more specific in 1934 when it became to turn traitor and act as an informant. AC/A ………………… accommodative convergence/accommodation ratio ~ 17 year veteran of the ophthalmic world. Gutt or g means (eye)drop. NVF: No visual function. Log in to AKO with your CAC card or using your Logon ID and password. PAS ………………… peripheral anterior synechiae CMA:Compound myopia, astigmatism DFE ………………… dilated fundus exam XT ………………… exotropia SPK ………………… superficial punctate keratopathy I deeply appreciate your help. QID – 4 times a day – Latin, quater in die. 1. Pap ………………… papillae Pt = Patient A&R: autorefraction 7. 2. PCIOL ………………… posterior chamber intraocular lens Thank you! Our findings highlight the importance of regular monitoring to detect emerging trends to prompt interventions to build and sustain vaccine confidence. Diagnosis:Amblyiopia, SOOA (superior oblique overaction) with DHH(T). EOG ………………… electro-oculogram Some DA, DOD (Joint), NATO, or other U.S. Government abbreviations, brevity codes, and acronyms (ABCA) may be included. o.s. but I noticed that each time he looks in my eye he says ‘deep and quiet’. ONH ………………… optic nerve head here is some more add Them… NFI- No further improvement. 2. Enter state abbreviation or country abbreviation of spouse's birthplace followed by slash (/) and the country abbreviation of citizenship. DES is likely Dry Eye Syndrome. LUL ………………… left upper lid Am I right??? It just has to be listed so it will stand up in an audit. CS trace IPD- Interpupillary Distance. COA = Certified Ophthalmic Assistant Thanks a lot for this wonderful and helpful site!! NCT – we use it for non-contact IOP measuring methods; What does “DMC” mean in ophthalmological terms? (॓॔), AAO’s young ophthalmologist abbreviation list: CC = Chief complaint I’ll write up more as they come to mind! Assessment: As a translator (English /Arabic vice versa ), I found this abbreviation package extremely useful ; and can honesly claim that it is almost exhasutiv as far as I view it in my capacity as a wise ordinary user , not – ofcourse- an eye specialist- ophthalmolgist. NFL ………………… nerve fiber layer SCH ………………… subconjunctival hemorrhage And, actually, what does the 2 in the above initials indicate? Another one I’ve seen: DVA = Distance Visual acuity, GREAT SITE!!! It is the test of a solid thought that it will bear a change of clothing. W&Q ………………… white and quite CE ………………… cataract extraction (right eye) Binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy PD ………………… pupillary distance H&P = History & physican, AAO = American Academy of Ophthalmology PHNI ………………… pinhole no improvement RBA PERRL = Pupils Equally Round and Reactive to Light. paying attention to light Shelly, Scodoma is probably SCOTOMA= a blind spot. 4. FA ………………… fluorescein angiography ABOC = American Board of Opticianry Certified, OMW = on my way Contact Lens Associated Papilliary Conjuctivitis Log in to AKO with your CAC card or using your Logon ID and password. CLAPC – Not sure 3 NS trace – nuclear sclerosis; Dr. Timothy Root is a practicing ophthalmologist and cataract surgeon in Daytona Beach, Florida. Looking for information on IRMA. TTYL = talk to ya later Thanks! TLE, anyone? F&R – flat and round (iris) CACG ………………… chronic angle closure glaucoma His books, video lectures, and training resources can be found at: You have entered an incorrect email address! QAM ………………… morning DRTB = Don’t Rock The Boat, And some actual eye abbreviations to add…, DOB = Date of Birth 1. Diagnoses: Cat. What is the squiggle before visual acuity of 20/800, etc. I’ve been seeing a lot of SRNVM lately. Once forwarded to the ORB/ERB page, select the “view/print” button. CHAP:Compound hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia PSC ………………… posterior subcapsular cataract Gutt/g IDK = I don’t know Thank you. cong. NVCH, could that be neovascualrization of the choroid (also NVC), IRMA – intra-retinal microvascular abnormality (anastamosis?). 21. Just starting typing at home and am used to all kinds of medical terminology, all except ophthalmology…go figure. Love this resource. (Today he said it has resolved!) Thank you. On lens exam we specify NS, Cortical or PSC etc., so it is well documented there. Reply. AFX: also probably autorefraction Return to see me in six weeks. Hi, I am translating an ophthalmological text and I have found: o.d. Primary doc referral slip for ophthalmologist says HX & BS and YMMV = Your mileage may vary PERRLA is very commonly used by non-eye doctors. How to obtain your ORB/ERB from AKO (Active duty Soldiers only): How do I access routing and remote access? Thank you. 4. Fundus (N). SRFOD = Subretinal Fluid OD? It gives details about a soldier's overall medical readiness with regards to hearing, HIV, PHA, dental and vision examinations. Why are LOL, ROFL, and XOXO on here?? 2. NLP ………………… no light perception 3.1 Any attempt to alter, supplement, modify or amend these terms and conditions by the Customer will be considered a material alteration of this Agreement and is void, unless confirmed in writing by AGC Catering Equipment. 2. (left eye) I need some clarification .. if anyone can help please… Im new to this type of specialty and im trying to figure out what to bill if this is showing for Cataracts.. OS: 2+NS, trace PSC OD: 2+NS….