23. They celebrated their genealogy pictorially, each ruler getting a picture made of Timur and himself. Name the Mughal ruler who followed the coparcenary inheritance. Each province also had a financial officer or diwan. In which year did Aurangzeb defeat the atoms? However, the Mughals did not like to be called Mongol because Mongol's especially Genghis Khan's memory was associated with the … Rank and salary were determined by a numerical value called 'zat'. Akbar ascended the throne in 1556 A.D. Akbarnama, Shahinshah, Sulh-i-kul, Mansabdar, Sarkar and Imperial. Although the Mughals were proud of their Persian and Timurid roots, the design of the Taj Mahal shows that they now saw themselves as being Indian first, while respecting their Muslim heritage. His salary was determined by the numerical value ofzat. On the other hand, the Mughals were proud of their Timurid ancestry, not least of all because their great ancestor had captured Delhi in 1398. Name the Mughal ruler who followed the coparcenary inheritance. This was because Genghis Khan who was Mongol was associated with the massacre of innumerable people. They celebrated their genealogy pictorially, each ruler getting a picture made of Timur and himself. Question 8:-How important was the income from land revenue to the stability of the Mughal Empire? However, the Mughals were proud of their Jimurid ancestry. The Mughals did not like to be called Mughal or Mongol. What is the name of the policy of peaceful co-existence adopted by Akbar? from 1526 to 1530. CBSE Previous Year Question Paper for Class 10, CBSE Previous Year Question Paper for Class 12. However, the Mughals did not like to be called Mongol because Mongol’s especially Genghis Khan’s, memory was associated with massacre of innumerable people. Most Voted Oldest Newest. On the other hand, the Mughals were proud of their Timurid ancestry, because it achieved good name in the history. The Mughals emphasise their Mongol descent because Genghis Khan's memory was associated with the massacre of innumerable people. This revenue system was known as zabt. A dogma is a statement or an interpretation declared as authoritative with the expectation that it would be followed without question. He brought his cavalrymen for review, got them registered, their horses branded and then received money to pay them as salary. They also celebrated their genealogy pictorially, each ruler getting a picture … Humayun. Do you think this painting suggests that the Mughals claimed kingship as a birthright? Give a brief account of Babur and the major events of his reign. Question: Why did the Mughals emphasize their Timurid and not their Mongol descent? 8. 13. Between whom the battle of Khanua was faught? The central provinces under the control of the Mughals were: (i) Lahore (ii) Panipat (iii) Delhi (iv) Mathura (v) Agra (vi) Ajmer (vii) Marwar (viii) Mewar (ix) Deccan (x) Chittor. Amansabdar refers to an individual who holds a mansab, meaning a rank or a position used by the Mughals to fix rank, salary and military responsibility of the individual. He was a great ruler who took various steps to consolidate his empire. This was because Mongol ruler Genghis Khan’s memory was associated with the massacre of innumerable people. • The mansabdari system was an important feature of the Mughal’s administration. Chittor was the capital of __________. Two great lineages of rulers were the ancestors of the Mughals. Under this system, he carried out a careful survey of crop yields, prices and areas cultivated for a 10-year period, 1570-1580. What do you know about the relationship between the Mughals and the Rajputs? Their great ancestor had captured Delhi in 1398. The Mughals were descendants of two great lineages of rulers. He founded an empire that was truly secular in character. Mughal rulers campaigned constantly against rulers who refused to accept their authority. 3. Who wrote Ain-i-Akbari? • He captured Gwalior, Ajmer, Jaunpur and Malwa. Babur. 5. Babur founded the Mughal empire in India. • The higher the numerical value of zat, the higher was his salary and position in court. • Akbar’s empire was divided into provinces called subas, governed by a subadar who carried out both political and military functions. The Mughals were however proud of their Timurid ancestry as they gratified themselves with the fact that Timur had captured Delhi in 1398. Mughals were very proud of their Timurid ancestry because Timur had captured Delhi in 1398....M Many places in india built by Mughals like TajMahal..etc 1. 17. class 7 history chapter 4 expected questions, class 7 history the mughal empire expected questions, Class 7 Science Chapter 3 | Fibre to Fabric | Expected Questions, Class 7 Politics | Markets Around Us | Expected Questions, NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 2 | Nutrition In Animals | Expected Questions, Class 7 Politics | Chapter 6 | Understanding Media | Expected Questions, Class 7 Politics Chapter 3 | How the State Government Works, Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities | Class 7 History Chapter 7 Extra Questions, Modal Auxiliary Verbs Exercise For Class 7. Mughals were proud of their Timurid ancestry because their great ancestor had captured Delhi in 1398. 6. • They did not actually reside in their Jagirs but appointed servants to collect revenues from the people. Todar Mal divided each province into revenue circles with its own schedule of revenue rates for individual crops. What was the real name of Mughal Emperor Shahjahan?