There are also many follow up activities in order to reinforce learning. The students take turns asking about a spot on the board by u. When it's a COD, you use le/la/les. lui, leur, les, le, la are all used to replace a complément d'objet. Log in. The third form nous is only being used sometimes, and it works the same way we say “let's” in English. but it’s also the form of the possessive adjective “their”: Voici leur maison – Here is their house. Indirect object pronouns - lui, leur Indirect object pronouns replace the names of people or nouns that come after the preposition à (to). Lui and leur are only employed if the indirect object is a person. ). You use y when you are referring to it an inanimate object. les them. The direct object pronoun is usually closest to the verb of which it is the object. There are two often-used forms of the French imperative, and these correspond to tu and vous. “I talk to my brother/my dog -> I talk to him.”. In each case, the verb in the original sentence is followed by à, which disappears when the specified person is replaced by lui or leur, which also skips in front of the verb. Remember that both indirect object pronouns and direct object pronouns precede the verb, with the indirect object pronoun going first. Vous répondez à la question. nous us. However, lui and leur will sometimes also be used in referring to things. Support Sporcle. Or, just learn by example. To soothe my children, I read them a story. la / l' her, it. Used after communication verbs (so used when the action is being said/given to someone), this will be shown when there is an à following the verb. Yes and no. Je demande à mes amis où sont les WC. lui = à + la or le (when 'la' or 'le' is a pronoun) Start your Braimap today ». The most important lesson here, is that lui and leur are only used with verbs that have the à … Kwiziq French is a product of and © Kwiziq Ltd 2021, What are subjects, objects, and pronouns? Here's how to remember whether to choose lui, leur or le, la, les ... Lui and leur take the same position in French sentences as le, la, les, right? These also go directly before the conjugated verb in your sentence. lui means either him OR her (depending on the context) and; leur means them, irrespective of the the group's gender. Find out more about using the pronouns lui and leur. We’ll map your knowledge and give you free lessons to focus on your You can read more about those other cases here: Subject, verbs and objects (direct and indirect) MADE EASY! Notice how lui and leur are used in these examples: BUT we only use these words when the verb being used normally goes with à: Look how these sentences change when specific people are replaced with pronouns: Je parle à Paul. A pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun or another pronoun. And of course, you can also have a look at our Jargon Busters at the bottom of the lesson! It replaces only people or animals. It replaces only people or animals. -> Il va leur téléphoner.He's going to telephone his parents. Ma mere achete un velo a son fils. Contrast this with the following example where the verb is not followed by à = appeler
. -> Je leur demande où sont les WC.I'm asking my friends where the toilets are. indirect object French pronouns lui and leur are used to express the idea of \"to him/her\" (lui Leur may translate as: them when it’s an indirect object pronoun. “I talk to my brother/my dog -> I talk to him.”. When the pronoun refers to the third person, you can use a stressed pronoun after the verb and the preposition à in order to stress the distinction between masculine and feminine: I'm talking to her = Je lui parle, à elle The 'à' is the difference between 'la' and 'lui'. To better understand French indirect object pronouns, you should be familiar with the concept of the indirect object.. Je parle a mon prof. Je lui parle. Vous y répondez. -> I'm asking them where the toilets are. Stephan telephone a Eric: Il lui telephone. Cannot be removed without altering the meaning of the sentence A simple way to practice syntax when using the pronoun y and lui/leur Each page has 2 game boards on it, one to hide your "ships" (I have my students choose 5 separate squares as their ships) and one to keep track of your hits and misses. See also Replacing nouns with le, la, l', les = it, him, her, them (direct object pronouns) and Replacing people with lui, leur = him, her, them (indirect object pronouns) -- Fill in the blank with either one of French pronouns LE, LA, L’, LES, LUI, LEUR, Y, or EN. Lui and Leur are indirect object prounouns and in English they mean 'to him', 'to her' and 'to them'. Use of le,la,lui,l', leur, en , y. You respond to the question. Lui is singular and replaces both masculine and feminine nouns whereas leur again replaces masculine and feminine nouns but in the plural form. Me and te change to m' and t', respectively, in front of a vowel or mute H. Le and la both change to l' . Il va téléphoner à ses parents. -> Je lui parle.I'm speaking to Paul. You respond to it. Fill in with the pronoun that replaces what is missing from the previous sentence: a preposition + elle, lui, or eux, or en or y, or lui or leur. by randomclairebear Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . Je leur donne mon adresse – I give them my address. example (CO in red) : J'écris ma dissertation. They are commonly used after parler, demander, dire and donner. If this is not the case, y should be used. When it's a COI, you use lui/leur. Rouge: Unité 4: Pronoms: Y, EN, LUI, LEUR, ETC. Il leur demande 10 euros. If the CO is introduced by à or de, it's a complément d'objet indirect. Y can also be used as a pronoun in certain situations. Philippe demande 10 euros a ses parents. Language Quiz / Verbs that use lui and leur Random Language Quiz Can you name the Verbs that use lui and leur? The golden rule here is this: Verbs followed by the preposition à trigger the usage of the indirect object pronoun. -> I'm speaking to him. Lui means to him, to her, to it; leur is the plural meaning, to them Y is an adverb. For the two pronouns en and y, I can't explain it to you because I don't remember the rules concerning how to use them. Indirect objects. Anny parle souvent de lui. Nous leur rendons visite. Get the French Pronunciation Crash Course! -> He's going to telephone them. Elle lui achete un velo. Lui and leur are used for him, her and them. C'est lui qui a acheté la barrette. Anny often talks about him. On the previous pages, we looked at how to say him, her, it and them in French.We used what are sometimes called direct object pronouns: le, la and les.. Sometimes there will be both a direct and an indirect object pronoun in the same sentence. Lui (to/for him/her) and leur (to/for them) replace a phrase of à/pour and a person(s).lui/leur precedes the conjugated verb.Tu leur offres un vase. Le, la, l’ and les could be direct object pronouns. BUT we only use these words when the verb being used normally goes with à: téléphoner à (to telephone ) demander à (to ask ) For example I respond to them where the them is some people is je leur réponds but if the them is some questions then the French is je y réponds . He's the one who bought the barrette. Les eleves ne repondent pas au prof. Ils ne lui repondent pas. You respond to the teacher (male ). Vous répondez à l'enseignant. Go Orange. Sign Up For A FREE Trial French Lesson On Skype And Get Instant Access To My French Pronunciation Crash Course. The CO describes the object which has the action done to it. Top 12 Songs To Help You Learn To Speak French – Music Videos Included, Top 5 Christmas Songs In French English Lyrics & Translation, Top 20 Most Common Mistakes In French Made By Beginners, 60+ French Slang Words You Can Use To Sound More French, An indirect object pronoun replaces the person to whom a verb is carried out. (grammar point), Replacing nouns with le, la, l', les = it, him, her, them (direct object pronouns), Me, te, nous, vous = Me, you, us, you (direct and indirect object pronouns), Using direct and indirect object pronouns together (double object pronouns), Position of object pronouns with verbs in simple tenses, Position of direct and indirect object pronouns with negation. For indirect objects, you use "lui", meaning " (to) him/her" or "leur" meaning " (to) them." The pronouns le, la and les represent the object of the verb: in very simple terms, that means the "thing/person that has something done to them" (i.e. STUDY. They are placed before the verb. Tip: If the words "indirect object pronoun" strike horror and panic into your heart, scroll to the cartoon video in the examples explaining what indirect objects are. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . gaps and mistakes. However, the order of direct / indirect object pronouns is reversed in the third person singular and third person plural (le lui, le leur, etc. THINGS TO REMEMBER WHEN USING THE IMPERATIVE. Indirect object pronouns in French. Lui , leur , and y are replaced with se ( s' before a vowel) when the indirect object refers to the same entity as the subject; see the section on the reflexive pronouns below . An indirect object pronoun replaces the person to whom a verb is carried out. I've spoken French for so long it's become almost instinctive to me to know when to use them. As you can see, lui can mean him or her, depending on the context. Broadly speaking, lui and leur are used to refer to people, and y (see "The pronoun y" below) is used to refer to things. le / l' him, it. However, leur is used for both men and women. Subjects: French. Unlike the direct object pronoun, we do not distinguish between gender. Unlike the other verb forms and grammatical moods, the imperative does not use subject pronouns. See also Position of direct and indirect object pronouns with negation, Want to make sure your French sounds confident? Nous rendons visite a nos amis. If there is an 'à', use 'lui' or 'leur'. Before we begin to learn about the indirect object let's take a moment to define the direct object.. Le, la, les. Lui means him/her regardless of male/female, leur is used for plural. PLAY. Lui and Leur. The term direct object refers to a noun or another pronoun which the subject is acting upon. Quiz - Pronouns Y EN LE LA L’ LES LUI LEUR Remplacez le tiret par un des pronoms suivants : LE, LA, L’, LES, LUI, LEUR, Y, ou EN. Worksheet has 26 sentences; rewrite with correct pronoun, choosing between y or the indirect object pronouns lui and leur. You use leur when you are referring to them, where them is some people or some animals. La traduction vous donne le pronoun en lettres majuscules. Les pronoms compléments indirects: me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur. Je lui ecris. This powerpoint provides explicit instructions on the function of the indirect object pronouns for ‘lui’ and ‘leur’ in the present tense, as well as how they are structured in sentences. The translation gives you the pronoun in capital letters. They're actually pretty easy to figure out. followed by a direct object pronoun), such as arrêter [X] [quelqu'un] (to stop [someone]), you use le/la or les. Je lui parle – I’m talking to him/ to her; Leur. vous you. - If the verb isn't followed by any preposition (i.e.