spain prime minister election
This page was last edited on 6 March 2021, at 10:07. [5] He then resumed being the official prime minister after he was sworn in by King Felipe on 8 January 2020. In 1874, the office name reverted to President of the Council of Ministers. [22] At the moment of the vote, the confidence is awarded if the candidate receives a majority of votes in the first poll (currently 176 out of 350 MPs), but if the confidence is not awarded, a second vote is scheduled two days later in which a simple majority of votes cast (i.e., more "yes" than "no" votes) is required. [22] Often minor parties form part of a larger major party, and through that membership it can be said that the king fulfills his constitutional mandate of consulting with party representatives with Congressional representation. During the Second Republic the title was the same but when the Civil War started, the head of government among the Nationalists was called Chief of the Government of the State and since January 1938 the office acquired the current name, President of the Government, but between that date and 1973 the office was held by Francisco Franco as dictator of Spain. The monarch is normally able to announce his nominee on the day following a general election. All 350 seats in the Congress of Deputies were up for election, as well as 208 of 265 seats in the Senate. The previous election was held on 10 November 2019, which means that the legislature's term will expire on 10 November 2023. 1. Due to the need for the Prime Minister to command the confidence of the Congress, the monarch must nominate a candidate for the office after consulting the political groups with parliamentary representation. The validos, which existed since early 15th century to the late 17th century were people of the highest confidence of the kings and they exercised the Crown's power in the King's name. [16] While this term of address was not incorrect, it could be culturally misleading to or for English-speakers, so that "prime minister" is often used as an inexact but culturally equivalent term to ensure clarity. Currently, only one Spanish Prime Minister has refused to take the oath of office next to the Bible: Pedro Sánchez, along with most of his Cabinet members. In 2008, from the time the king nominated José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero for a second term as Prime Minister immediately following the 2008 general election, almost a month passed before Zapatero was able to present his Investiture Speech before the Congress and stand for a Vote of Confidence. [27] Additionally, if the Government loses the confidence of the Cortes, then it must resign. The Spanish Deputy Prime Minister has resigned from the regional elections in Madrid.Pablo Iglesias, who heads left coalition partner Podemos, announced that he. Ceuta and Melilla are allocated the two remaining seats, which are elected using plurality voting. Trending. Following the abdication of King Amadeus I, during the First Republic the office was the President of the Executive Power and was head of state. [citation needed], As of 2005, the king has created forty hereditary titles of nobility. The electoral law allows for parties and federations registered in the interior ministry, coalitions and groupings of electors to present lists of candidates. Nonetheless, the Senate possesses a few exclusive, yet limited in number functions—such as its role in constitutional amendment—which are not subject to the Congress' override. He is also Secretary-General of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), holding office for the second time after winning a leadership election in June 2017. The most recent Prime Minister to die was Adolfo Suárez (served 1976–1981) on 23 March 2014, aged 81. He was appointed by King Juan Carlos on 3 July 1976. Both positions were a de facto prime ministers, although they can not be completely compared. The oath as taken by Prime Minister Zapatero on his first term in office on 17 April 2004 was:[25]. [22] Following the second vote, if confidence by the Congress is still not reached, then the monarch again meets with political leaders and the Speaker, and submits a new nominee for a vote of confidence. FILE - In this Monday, Oct. 12, 2020 file photo, Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, left, welcomes Madrid's regional president Isabel Diaz Ayuso, center, and Madrid's mayor Jose Luis Martinez Almeida during an event to commemorate the 'Dia de la Hispanidad' or Spain's Hispanic Day in Madrid. [23] If no overall majority was obtained on the first Vote of the Confidence, then the same nominee and program is resubmitted for a second vote within forty-eight hours. All 350 seats in the Congress of Deputies were up for election, as well as 208 of 266 seats in the Senate. However, Title II, Sections 56 of the constitution vests the monarch as the "arbitrator and moderator of the institutions" of government, [The King] arbitrates and moderates the regular functioning of the institutions (arbitra y modera el funcionamiento regular de las instituciones). [1][5] The use of the D'Hondt method may result in a higher effective threshold, depending on the district magnitude. In practice, the prime minister is almost always the leader of the largest party in the Congress. The office was established in its current form by the Constitution of 1978 and it was first regulated in 1823 as a chairmanship of the extant Council of Ministers, although it is not possible to determine when it actually originated. The prime minister of Spain, officially the president of the Government of Spain (Spanish: Presidente del Gobierno de España), is the head of government of Spain. Each of the 47 peninsular provinces is allocated four seats, whereas for insular provinces, such as the Balearic and Canary Islands, districts are the islands themselves, with the larger—Majorca, Gran Canaria and Tenerife—being allocated three seats each, and the smaller—Menorca, Ibiza–Formentera, Fuerteventura, La Gomera, El Hierro, Lanzarote and La Palma—one each. Spain’s acting Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, wants to avoid fresh elections by forming a minority government instead. [6], For the Senate, 208 seats are elected using an open list partial block voting, with electors voting for individual candidates instead of parties. November 2019 Spanish general election From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The November 2019 Spanish general election was held on Sunday, 10 November 2019, to elect the 14th Cortes Generales of the Kingdom of Spain. In 1925, the original name was restored again. It remains within the king's prerogative to dissolve the Cortes if, at the conclusion of the four years, the Prime Minister has not asked for its dissolution, according to Title II Section 56. Below is a list of the main parties and electoral alliances which will likely contest the election: Forward–Socialist Organization of National Liberation, Opinion polling for the next Spanish general election, "Constitución española, Sinopsis artículo 66", "Spanish elections: Begging for the right to vote", "Effective threshold in electoral systems", "Ciudadanos pierde un senador: Xavier Alegre se pasa al Grupo Mixto tras abandonar la militancia", "Yolanda Díaz, de abogada laboralista a designada por Iglesias para su relevo", "Ciudadanos apuesta por la continuidad: Inés Arrimadas gana las primarias y es la nueva presidenta del partido",, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, People's Parliamentary Group in the Congress, United We Can–In Common We Can–Galicia in, People's Parliamentary Group in the Senate, Republican Left–EH Bildu Parliamentary Group, Nationalist Parliamentary Group in the Senate, This page was last edited on 17 March 2021, at 12:47. [24] As per tradition, if the members of the government choose not to take the oath along with any religious symbols, they use the word "prometo" ("I promise"), whereas if the take the oath with the Bible, they use the word "juro" ("I swear"). Not recognised by any United Nations members. MADRID (Reuters) - Spanish prime minister Pedro Sanchez congratulated Joe Biden in a tweet on Saturday night. Since the 18th century, the validos disappeared and the secretaries of state were introduced. [citation needed], Peerages in Spain are created by the Grace of the King, according to the Spanish Ministry of Justice, and are the highest marks of distinction that he may bestow in his capacity as the fons honorum in Spain. Spain's socialist prime minister says he will consider talks to form a new government only with parties that respect the constitution and promote social justice. Royal nomination and congressional confirmation, Title II Section 56 the monarch is the "arbitrator and moderator of the regular functioning of the institutions", "arbitra y modera el funcionamiento regular de las instituciones", Snap elections have been used only threes since the 1978 Constitution was ratified, ex-PM, Solemn Opening of the Parliament of Spain, Learn how and when to remove this template message, President of the Government and ministers of state, List of Prime Ministers of Spain § Kingdom of Spain (1975–present), "Relación cronológica de los presidentes del Consejo de Ministros y del Gobierno", "Pedro Sánchez percibirá un salario de 82.978 euros", "Pedro Sánchez, elegido presidente del Gobierno pese a los intentos de la derecha de tumbar la investidura", "Pedro Sánchez logra ser investido presidente con 167 votos a favor y 165 en contra",,,,, "El Gobierno más nutrido desde Suárez y con récord de vicepresidencias", "El Gobierno de Sánchez e Iglesias es el tercero de mayor edad de la democracia pese a la entrada de los ministros de Podemos", "Joint Press Conference with President George W. Bush and President Jose Maria Aznar", "Jeb Bush agradece el apoyo "del presidente de la República española, "Trump repeatedly called the prime minister of Spain 'president,' and everyone is confused", "Constitución española de 1837 - Wikisource", "Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy of 1845", "Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy of 1869", "Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy of 1876", "Constitución española de 1931 - Wikisource", Speech by Zapatero at the session for his investiture as Prime Minister,, Rodríguez Zapatero is sworn into his second term, The Royal Household of H.M. [1][2] Voting for the Cortes Generales is on the basis of universal suffrage, which comprises all nationals over eighteen and in full enjoyment of their political rights. Sanchez, who became prime minister in June 2018 after parliament ousted the conservatives in a corruption scandal, has been acting prime minister since the April election. Additional titles of nobility have been created by the king for other government ministers, usually at the advice of the president of the government. By Euronews with EFE, AP • Updated: 15/03/2021 - 19:45 euronews_icons_loading Pablo Iglesias was a political novice befo He served as town councillor in the City Council of Madrid from 2004 to 2009. Members of the Congress of Deputies are elected through proportional representation with closed party lists where provinces serve as electoral districts; that is, a list of deputies is selected from a province-wide list. News Post || Euro News: Spain"s deputy prime minister has quit his role to run in Madrid's regional elections.Pablo Iglesias, who leads the left-wing The Spanish Cortes Generales are envisaged as an imperfect bicameral system. The king's order of appointment is countersigned by the Speaker. The tables below show the current status of the parliamentary groups in both chambers. On 19 November 1823, after a brief liberal democratic period called the Liberal Triennium between 1820 and 1823, King Ferdinand VII re-established the absolute monarchy and created the Council of Ministers that continues to exist today. The Spanish head of government has, since 1938, been known in Spanish as the Presidente del Gobierno – literally "President of the Government",[12][13] but the term 'president' is far older. Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón (born 29 February 1972) is a Spanish economist and politician serving as Prime Minister of Spain since 2 June 2018. [1] Barred this exception, there is no constitutional requirement for simultaneous elections for the Congress and the Senate, there being no precedent of separate elections and with governments having long preferred that elections for the two Houses take place simultaneously. Since the 15th century, the Spanish monarchs has delegated his executive powers in relevant personalities. By political custom established by Juan Carlos I since the ratification of the 1978 Constitution, the king's nominees have usually been from parties who maintain a plurality of seats in the Congress. I swear/promise, under my conscience and honor, to faithfully execute the duties of the office of Prime Minister with loyalty to the King, obey and enforce the Constitution as the main law of the State, and preserve in secret the deliberations of the Council of Ministers. For this reason, the Prime Minister is usually the leader of the largest party in the Congress. As a reward for national service, the king awarded peerages to two of his former presidents who have since retired from active politics: Adolfo Suárez was created 1st Duke of Suárez; and Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo was created 1st Marquis de la Ría de Ribadeo [es]. The President of the Government of Spain (Spanish: Presidente del Gobierno de España), commonly referred to in Spain as Presidente del Gobierno, and known in English as the Prime Minister of Spain,[3] is the head of government of Spain. Pablo Iglesias: Spain's deputy prime minister quits role to stand in Madrid election March 15, 2021, 2:28 p.m. Once a general election has been announced by the king, political parties designate their candidates to stand for Prime Minister —usually the party leader. Iglesias made the surprise announcement in a video on Monday, days after Madrid’s Regional President Isabel Díaz Ayuso called a snap regional election. [citation needed], Adolfo Suárez was the first democratically elected Prime Minister of the post-Franco government, the 149th Spanish Prime Minister since 1834. Successive constitutions have confirmed this royal prerogative of the monarch in the Constitution of 1837 (article 47),[17] article 46 of the Constitution of 1845,[18] the Constitution of 1869 (article 68),[19] and the Constitution of 1876 (article 54).[20]. Pablo Iglesias, deputy prime minister of Spain and leader of the far-left party Unidas Podemos, is stepping down from the government to run in Madrid regional elections on May 4. After announcing his decision on social media, Iglesias is willing … There is no specific date … The government conducts domestic and foreign policy, civil and military administration, and the defense of the nation all in the name of the king on behalf of the people. Spain"s deputy prime minister has quit his role to run in Madrid's regional elections. It was just fifteen months ago when Iglesias led Podemos into Spain's first coalition government in four decades. [22] For the Crown to nominate the political leader whose party controls the Congress can be seen as a royal endorsement of the democratic process— a fundamental concept enshrined in the 1978 Constitution. This system of multiple distinct offices all labelled 'president' causes confusion among English-speakers: both President George W. Bush and his brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, referred to José María Aznar as "president" on separate occasions,[14][15] and Donald Trump referred to Mariano Rajoy both as "President" and "Mr. President" during Rajoy's 2017 White House visit. During the swearing-in ceremony presided over by the king, customarily at the Salón de Audiencias in the Zarzuela Palace, the Prime Minister-elect of the Government takes an oath of office over an open constitution and - at choice - next to the Bible. However, there is no legal requirement for this. The Prime Minister's position is strengthened by constitutional limits on the Congress' right to withdraw confidence from the government. In the event of coalitions, the political leaders would customarily have met beforehand to hammer out a coalition agreement before their meeting with the King. Section 99(1) & (2).