doctor who: resolution transcript
Yaz: It's going to be difficult. Just promise me you'll let him go. I never stopped to think... Jack: Hey. DALEK: Earth is now under the control of the Daleks. You fancy a trip? Just wanna wish everyone a happy new year from everyone at Doctor who and sending love and luck for twenty-one. I have information. Sometimes we get a bit scared, cos new can be a bit scary, right? YASMIN: Doctor, seriously? Me and a Dalek, it's personal. (The bullets all bounce off the casing. That's an order! DOCTOR: Say hello to a Dalek. So, here's the deal. Exterminate! Only a sun going supernova, and a squid-sized vacuum corridor about to pull you out into space. DOCTOR: Oh, you're good, Ryan's Dad. RYAN: This is where I've been since Nan died. Little thing we haven't told you. CEO, Rugazzi Technologies. Dalek gurgle. Exterminate the impurities! Robertson: Six of the sweetest words in the English language. Robertson: I warned you about that thing. Ryan: Look, it's all right, you know. Awkward. Long time ago, no big deal. 'The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos' is a perfectly decent episode of Doctor Who.In fact, it boasts much of what has made this year's series great: strong performances from the … YASMIN: Ryan! I'm sorry, little one. More sorry than I can ever really say. We're getting there. Thanks to the death particle and Ko Sharmus. Ooh, yes, please. The Doc, you know, she went to do something she knew might kill her. AARON: Ryan, help me get the element out. No Wi-Fi, no phone signal. You can't hold on. We do get aliens in Sheffield. Robertson: What, you didn't think I'd increase my security since the last time we met? None of you will survive! 2021-01-01 - Revolution of the Daleks. And I remember, Doc, what you said, you know, that we...we wouldn't come back the same people, and you're right. Are you able to help at all? Dalek: Daleks are not pets of the Doctor! GRAHAM: Right. I mean, this... You'll be black and blue. Daleks are now in control! Dalek drone: Daleks are already in control. Nice upgrade in here. Settle down, then. marks are trademarks of BBC . These machines are going to change the world. Yeah, uh, just got the sun in me eyes. Robertson: What is the matter with you people? Yaz: I just missed her. GRAHAM: What do you mean? Jo: I want an immediate national roll-out of security drones. Dr. Donal Collins is a super-smart UK GP (famliy doctor) who has cracked the code. We're all here. It's not a place, it's a restaurant where every course is meringue. Jo Patterson. DALEK: Earth is annexed.
DOCTOR: Come on then, you lot. Costs for Copies of Your Medical Records. Ryan: What's happening with your home? YASMIN: How'd it go? Leo: Look. Robertson: That's a very sensitive subject for me. The Doctor: Sent a message through the timelines into the vortex, cos I know they're in there, like sharks in water. I can guide you. (The Sheffield sonic sparks.) Reconstructing yourself from memory, and remnants,
Jack: You're going to take the moral high ground with me when I'm breaking you out of prison? The Doctor: What? Just watch. Er, powered with A-grade energy rating. We live in uncertain times. DALEK: Sonic device override! Now, as rumours intensify that he may be in line for an honorary knighthood, Jack Robertson spoke to me from his home in the United States. Graham: All right, look, so if your plan works and this set of Daleks kills his lot... Graham: Thank you. Graham: Yeah. Jack: The bad news is Robertson is negotiating with the Daleks and has sold you out. Dalek-Leo: This is my project. When those car firms deserted you, I bought up all the plants. How do you deal with that? YASMIN: Listen. and secondary coils, going from high voltage, low ampage to low voltage, very, very high ampage. United Nations Headquarters New York, New York **Please see below for a correction, marked with an asterisk. We have to get on with our lives. LLOYD BASS LEON GABBISON Exterminate the Doctor! The Doctor: Yes, it does. Dad! GRAHAM: Except it is holding on, Doctor. The Doctor: Bedtime story, Doctor? Ryan: Now Robertson's got his hands on it. Dalek: Exterminate the impurities! Daleks are insidious, relentless and clever, and, like hate, they will spread if they're not stopped. Transcripts expected throughout Wednesday, 17 March, 2021. s05e05 - Mother Knows Breast - Workin' Moms, s05e09 - Field of Schemes - Kim's Convenience, s04e06 - The Book of Ruin: Chapter Two: Theseus's Ship - Black Lightning, s04e04 - Season 4, Episode 4 - Unforgotten, s17e07 - Helplessly Hoping - Grey's Anatomy, s04e07 - Where the Shadows Lie Waiting - Burden of Truth, s07e02 - The Speed of Thought - The Flash, s11e13 - An Incon-Wheelie-ent Truth - Bob's Burgers, s01e03 - The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower - Superman & Lois, s02e07 - Our Answer for Everything - Snowpiercer, s02e06 - Many Miles from Snowpiercer - Snowpiercer, s01e09 - The Series Finale (Episode 9) - WandaVision, s01e08 - Previously On (Episode 8) - WandaVision. OK, bye! Robertson: National? LIN [OC]: Help. RYAN: Dad? (The Doctor closes the Tardis doors.) DOCTOR: Now attach the parts! This is a game-changer, Jo. Everyone has been told maximum capacity, maximum speed, and our beta partners are working through the night, training staff, under our supervisors - all under NDAs, of...of course. Robertson: I know. We will harness the technological revolution to enhance your safety. Consequence, extermination. The Doctor: That's phase two of the plan. It was a burnt-out shell. Robertson: I still think it would have been fine. Thank you so much. DOCTOR: Oh, mate. I miscalculated. Yaz: Oh, don't play innocent! I'm going to work it out. How do we get rid of the new ones? All humanity will be exterminated. Yaz: And before you're all clear of the Dalek ship, obviously. Internal ship sensors report non-Dalek life forms on board! Enjoy the journey while you're on it. Cloned the smallest trace of organic material, not understanding that Dalek consciousness can live within the tiniest fragment of their DNA. AARON-MUTANT: You will take me to the Dalek fleet. The Doctor must gather all her friends and resources to prevent another invasion. I thought, "Not everyone can carry off a yellow beanie. Yaz: So we have to keep you out their way. DOCTOR: Not at all. Robertson: There's nothing inside, Leo. Links to tv scripts, screenplays, transcripts, and excerpts from classic television to current flicks to future films. Grimsby Reapers. Way too big a risk. Robertson: The problem is obvious. Graham: Yeah, me too. Stay where you are! On Earth, New Year's Day 2019, a long-buried creature is beginning to stir. AARON: What do you mean? Robertson: Please stop using that word. That's fine. Dalek: You are the leader of this planet? Yaz: I'm not ready to let you go yet. DOCTOR: Nice. You can't eat the cage. Robertson: Leo? Halt. Thank you. Three, two, one... Go! DOCTOR: I need to take a look at you. Daleks are in control of this territory! Ryan: And the Master? Might come in handy. YASMIN: Doctor!
When I was with the Doctor, I saw more than I could have ever dreamed. Daleks will not be shut down. The Doctor: Now attach the parts. He's mine. I can't quite make sense of it. Dad, I know you can hear me. Ryan: Yeah, us, cos we know all about you and that Dalek. Jo: I see you buying a lot of companies right now. MATHEW PAINE And I have some other information. Dalek: All Dalek units, report to central control. Ambitious, intelligent and thrilling, "Spyfall: Part 2" is arguably the most accomplished episode of the Jodie Whittaker era of Doctor Who so far. The Doctor: I knew I wouldn't like the bad news. I know when something's changed. The Doctor: Don't be stupid. Jo: Quite the opposite. LIN: Those documents aren't reliable, Mitch. Graham: Oh... That's it, eh? [Tardis]
DALEK: Exterminate! Three minutes. Jo: The numbers are on my side. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. No matter how many times you try, no matter how long you wait, I'll always be in your way, backed up by the best of humanity. As the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz return home, will they be able to overcome the threat to planet Earth? I forgive you. Graham: Yeah, but your time machine ain't the best at running to time, is it, Doc? Surround the TARDIS! Jack: I can check it out. Graham: Yaz, you can't keep being here all the time. - What do we do? Felt like, um, I'd rather not have known. The Doctor: All right, then, Dalek, or whatever you are, tell me how you've built all this. Jo: As of now, you will see new defence drones at work on Britain's streets... in our institutions, at our borders... and national monuments. Jack: OK, boys. You didn't give it the Cyberium? You have failed. Sort of. DOCTOR: Sorry, did I not mention? AARON: It's metal. DOCTOR: And now it's in a tank, trying to summon the fleet. © 2001-2021 ourboard. Sally Sparrow receives a cryptic message from the Doctor about a mysterious new enemy species that is after the TARDIS. DOCTOR: My decision. The Doctor: Tiny! (The Doctor opens the doors and painfully bright light floods in. DOCTOR: The Custodians burned your shell, and we've got something they didn't have. Where did you get the purchase order numbers in the first place? You don't. MOTHER: Nothing. Dalek: Intruders located! It's shutting down the Wi-Fi, the phone signals. The vacuum corridor's expanding and I can't control it. GRAHAM: Where are you? Graham: And that's what the Doc would do if she was here, so... are you with us? The Doctor receives a message from the Master, revealing that, to no one's surprise, he was the one who destroyed Gallifrey out of rage of what he discovered, something so awful, it terrified him: the founding fathers of Galifrey had lied to the Time Lords, and it has something to do with the Timeless Child. (Possibly. Robertson: What's happening here? It understood our systems immediately.
Very Doctory. Daleks are reborn! DOCTOR: Now, gang! All of you, to the TARDIS now! Dalek: Exterminate! What I always knew to be the story of my life... isn't true. DOCTOR: No, it won't. DALEK: Who are you? Extermination formations, assemble! Jack: Took 19 years to get to the cell next to you. The drones are completely under our control, so we're working to shut them down... Dalek: Territorial leader identified. Graham: Well, then, what are we waiting for? Dalek-Leo: The New Dalek Army shall have but one purpose. The most deadly creature in the universe. Tiny thing, so word of warning. Eventually. I mean, you definitely can't. TARDIS location identified! I had a lot to think about in there. Yaz. Why? Your bodies are too slow for Daleks! (The casing is glowing red.) Not another word. Yaz: Is it the light? The Dalek flies off.) You let me live, I help you find her. Exterminate the impurities! And one's got Robertson under their control. GRAHAM: What, on New Year's Day, when everything's shut and everyone's hung over? TEEN 1: The Wi-Fi's gone off. Oh, I've missed you... very much. Go on, son! Robertson: You know what your problem is, Leo? Jack: Why were you in prison in the first place?