batman and joker relationship

About. A one-stop shop for all things video games. *CAUTION* SPOILERS AHEAD! It does, however, make the possibility more likely that, in this universe, Joker and the would-be Batman are related. However, he's done nothing with that information for the sake of keeping the running gag of their relationship going until now. While the desire for chaos to fuel his twisted laughter remains, Joker found a foil in Batman. It's exciting to see that rivalry head into uncharted waters, even if it does end with one of their deaths (which it probably won't). Joker doesn't really stay in the role of Batman's partner in crime for long, but that doesn't mean that Batman will be fighting alone. When Joker tells Batman he doesn't hate him any more, Batman realizes just how much Joker means to him — and how maybe, deep down, he might just not hate him too. While Kevin is a huge Marvel fan, he also loves Batman because he's Batman and is a firm believer that Han shot first. Zack Snyder’s Justice League aims to rectify that, uniting Ben Affleck’s Batman and Jared Leto’s Joker for a sequence created specifically for the long-awaited release of The Snyder Cut. 5 POSTED: 21 Aug 2012 23:04. Joker believes it to be the right time to enact his final performance, regardless of whether or not he's the one who lives at the end. Joker said that Batman's and his relationship was "like comedy and tragedy - two sides, same coin". Batman's Golden Age villain-turned-antihero Catman was later confirmed to be bisexual by writer Gail Simone. “That’s our dynamic. Throughout their 80 year history, the Joker has shown romantic affections for the Dark Knight in some of the darkest (and funniest) ways. Joker War promises that Joker will be fighting both Batman and Bruce Wayne equally, meaning that their next fight will be more personal than ever before. During the film’s opening action sequence, the Joker suggests that their playful rivalry is special. They’re the two antagonists in Batman, but so charismatic that people have fallen in love with them. The Joker would only use Harley for intense sexual intercourse and her body. With Bruce Wayne back in the cape and cowl, the Joker orchestrates a mass murder on live television before leading his nemesis to a carnival where they battle in the tunnel of love. The Joker is a supervillain who appears in American comic books published by DC Comics.The Joker was created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson and first appeared in the debut issue of the comic book Batman (April 25, 1940). Batman and The Joker have gone together like peas and carrots for over 75 years. Today on Variant 'One Shot' Arris tells you why Batman won't kill the Joker! Kane, who started out as a gag artist, loved the concept and encouraged its production. Sonic Betrayed Tails in the Worst Possible Way in the Comics, Batman & Joker's Relationship is About To Change Forever, Batman Fans Beware: The JOKER WAR is About To Begin. Kevin lives in Oregon with his wonderful wife and sinister cat who is no doubt currently plotting his demise. Set after the events of Batman Eternal, the story involves the return of Batman's arch-enemy, the Joker, following his disappearance in the 2012 story arc "Death of the Family It’s 2020 and high time to let the "boys don’t cry" mentality die out. When all seems lost, Batman confesses to “J-Bird” that he also has feelings for him and pleads for the Joker to help him save their relationship by saving the city. Feeling unappreciated by the Dark Knight, the Clown Prince plots Gotham’s destruction just to prove definitively that he is indeed Batman’s greatest enemy. Batman is probably the character with the highest number of romantic relationships in the DC Universe.Unlike Superman and Wonder Woman, characters that have been in publication for as long as Batman, the Dark Knight has never had a long-standing leading partner and instead, he has been constantly switching interests when it comes to romance.This is due to the nature of Batman's … On one hand, they are mortal enemies, the true definition of comic book nemeses. Batman and The Joker are brothers (half brothers, to be exact) — but only in Todd Phillips Joker. Instead, Joker kills him for it, as he's now ruined an important part of their relationship: the mystery. If he doesn't act now, something critical will change for Batman that might jeopardize Joker's chances for a punchline at all. The point is this: Joker is going have the last laugh and end the running gag not just because he thinks it would be fun. With Batman finding love with Catwoman, Joker seems to fear that the newfound happiness Batman carries may ruin his own relationship with Batman. The relationship between Batman and The Joker is one of the most twisted and dynamic in superhero comics; almost all the greatest Batman stories at least marginally focus on The Joker and how he tests Batman's limits. Furthermore, Superman has recently revealed his secret identity to the world, seeking to be his true self at all times. We … The joke was just so funny and stupid that not even Batman himself could resist laughing at it. karcentric . Batgirl, and shows nude pictures of … Along with the series as a whole, Harley Quinn proved to be a smash-hit, giving the Caped Crusader's biggest nemesis his own "side-kick" and dynamic. Dorian Reyes Black is a writer for the comic book news section for Screen Rant. Is Batman About To Be Unmasked By The Joker? After seemingly falling to his death at the end of Death of the Family, the Joker returns more deranged than ever thanks to landing in a subterranean pool of life-reviving dionesium. Though a bit of masochist himself, Batman is perplexed by Harley’s relationship with the Joker. Some men aren't looking for anything logical. As Batman exchanges blows with Clayface, the clownish convict hints at feeling jealous. The Joker was the Batman 's nemesis, believing himself to be inextricably linked to the Batman, and considered him to be his favorite sparring partner and opponent. When Clayface calls the Joker a freak, he then bemoans that Batman never stands up for him. When the Riddler forces the Joker to decide between saving Harley or saving Batman (who were both dangling above an acid deathtrap), the Joker chooses to save his arch-nemesis without any kind of hesitation. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Despite both characters appearing in 2016’s Suicide Squad, Batman and Joker haven’t shared the screen together in any significant way in live-action since Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight. While this may have been Joker's goal and mindset at one point, his first interaction with Batman must have altered that perception. And I love you for it!”. Ledger would never reprise his role - something that inevitably would have happened had he still been alive - due to his tragic death, but the two showed a reliance on each … To say the Joker was heartbroken by Batman’s harsh words would be an understatement. Lego Joker recognizes that he needs Batman in his life to justify his existence (a classic analysis on Joker /Batman for decades). While both bleeding out on the floor, the Joker and Catwoman have a heart-to-heart regarding their feelings for the Caped Crusader. Batman has the strength to will over the madness that haunts him and thus he is … “We’re a team, Bats. Previously, Kevin was a writer for You've been warned! Batman x Joker - Relationship. Set in a future where Batman temporarily retires, Miller’s Joker spends a decade in a catatonic state until his "darling" makes a dramatic return to Gotham. During their fight in the animated adaption of TDKR, Batman admits that he's kept count of the Joker’s many victims, the murderous clown responds with “I know. They’re the two antagonists in Batman, but so charismatic that people have fallen in love with them. He doesn’t commit evil deeds in spite of his heroic rival, he commits evil deeds FOR his heroic rival. While there are over a dozen episodes featuring the Joker in Batman: The Animated Series, the episode “The Man Who Killed Batman” shows just how much his arch-rival truly means to him. The Joker really does love Batman in his own twisted way. RELATED: DC’s Harley Quinn Show Shows Why Batman Villains Are Ridiculous. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Joker welcomed Bruce when he first arrived at Arkham Asylum and personally saved him from a group of patients who tried to attack him. Frank Miller has openly admitted that his portrayal of the Joker in his classic graphic novel The Dark Knight Returns was meant to have heavy queer overtones. However, Joker seems to be worried that Batman could reveal his secret identity all the same. More: Joker's New Girlfriend PUNCHLINE Revealed By DC Comics. It’s … With Batman finding love with Catwoman, the Joker finds a newfound pleasure, which could spoil his relationship with Batman. She's bursting with personality, but also does well in being a more literal manifestation of an abusive relationship, while the Batman/Joker dynamic is a more metaphorical one. Julie Madison was originally an actress, but her character was changed many times in the following decades. The DC Universe’s latest streaming series is an R-rated romp starring the Joker’s former partner/girlfriend as she navigates Gotham’s underworld as a solo act. A hero is as good as its villain. This causes Harley to recall an earlier memory of her and the Joker, where he fiendishly purred on a rooftop “Till death do us part.” It was only after realizing how little she meant to him that Harley finally understands the Joker was actually talking to Batman in that moment. In the Earth-Two continuity, Julie and Bruce broke up as she expe… Several characters, mostly women, have been portrayed as lesbian or bisexual in the recent history of the franchise. Joker War is coming, which promises to feature Joker making a play for the punchline, going after Batman (and Bruce Wayne) in a final confrontation that only one of them may come out of alive. Batman: The Killing Joke is one of the darkest Batman stories ever told, delving into the relationship between the Joker and the Dark Knight. 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Set after the events of Batman Eternal, the story involves the return of Batman's arch-enemy, the Joker, following his disappearance in the 2012 story arc "Death of the Family In the animated movie Batman: Hush, the Dark Knight squares off against the shape-shifting monster Clayface in the halls of Arkham Asylum. It follows Arthur Fleck, played by Joaquin Phoenix, a disturbed man who hopes to be a comedian. Joker had wild green hair, red eyes, dark red lips, yellow teeth, and a milky blue tongue. When it comes to literary foes, few have a dynamic as unique as the Joker and Batman. Since the relationship between Joker and Batman is older than most real-life romantic partnerships, there are likely even more stories that feature the Clown Prince of Crime professing his undying love for the hero he’s always trying to murder in horrific ways. Warner Bros. We earn a commission for … Thus began a relationship that rarely shifts course: Joker instigates a crime for laughs or does something to cause pain for Batman, and Batman retaliates, beating him and sending him to Arkham behind bars, only for Joker to break out and continue the running gag. Or is it the happy clown who is laughing and telling jokes. In a cutscene where the Joker sits down with prison psychiatrist Dr. Harleen Quinzel, the Joker dreamily recounts feeling a new sense of purpose in life after meeting “someone special.”. In the graphic novel, the Joker paralyzes Barbara Gordon, a.k.a. Starting with 1942's Batman #12, Joker did not want to just kill Batman to get him out of his way. "Batman: Endgame" is a six-issue comic book story arc first published by DC Comics in 2014, featuring the fictional superhero Batman. In the episode “Harlequinade,” the narrative offers a complicated idea, an unsettling paradigm in which Harley admits her willing participation in a toxic relationship. RELATED: The 10 Worst Things The Joker Did In Batman: The Animated Series With the dozens of stories that have been told across many mediums about the rivalry between The … Disney also shares a big part of his fan patronage. The relationship between the Joker and Harley Quinn is one of the best known in animation and comics. The Joker War is coming, promising the Joker to make a play for the punchline, going into a final confrontation with Batman (and Bruce Wayne) that only one of them can survive. Fans got the full lowdown on the origin of Harley Quinn and the Joker's relationship in 1993, when the one-shot The Batman Adventures: Mad Love was released to … Today on Variant 'One Shot' Arris tells you why Batman won't kill the Joker! That plan formed the story of Joker War, the first crossover event of Tynion’s tenure on Batman, which made big changes for the Joker’s obsessive relationship with Batman… There are very few instances in the relationship between Batman and Joker that can even compare to the events of “Death In The Family.” Hell, even in “Death Of The Family” Joker doesn’t actually kill or maim the kidnapped Bat-Family, it’s all just a ruse to throw Batman off his game. RELATED: DC: 10 Times The Joker Saved Batman's Life One of the most popular stories to come out of DC’s New 52 relaunch was the crossover series Batman: Death of the Family. The Joker admits to being in love with Batman and feeling a constant longing for Gotham’s protector to beat him and call him a “horror.” He adds that he can’t understand why his counterpart always chooses to love Catwoman over him. Taking place outside DC’s main comic book continuity, Sean Murphy’s “White Knight universe” is another R-rated take on the Joker and Batman’s odd relationship. In the book's grand finale, the duo fight to the death deep in the caverns below Gotham--the Joker all the while claiming he would have gladly given Batman the gift of eternal life had he only reciprocated his affections. Joker is an origin story for Batman's greatest villain. Around the 1950’s, there were anxieties regarding censorship within graphic novels. After a gruesome battle that leaves both the Joker and Batman mortally wounded, Batman defeats his foe by clinging to him and begging the Joker to stay by his side in his final moments. “You’re seeing another villain already? 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At the climax of Batman #300, Harley Quinn (who is, to be fair, the queen of finally ending your relationship with the Joker… In fact, on most occasions, his shocking acts of mass violence are nothing more than elaborate stunts to win the undivided attention of his costumed nemesis. I love the constant taunting and the idea that maybe they are both mad but each with their own brand of crazy. Taken aback by Batman’s sudden change-of-heart, the Joker hesitates, causing a falling stalactite to break his back before he can reach the revitalizing pit of dionesium. You just couldn't let me go, could you? Alongside mending Red Hood’s relationship with Batman, he also needs to be allowed to have a good old cry about Arsenal. You just couldn't let me go, could you? After seemingly falling to his death at the end of Death of the Family, the… He's doing it in part because he feels as though circumstances are forcing his hand. Related: Batman Fans Beware: The JOKER WAR is About To Begin. When Dorian is not on the clock, he is also a big fan of photography—behind the camera, in front of the camera, and photo editing on his tablet. Admit it!” the Joker exclaims. Joker even willingly organized a distraction in order to give Bruce a chance of making a phone call, in return for a favor once he was released from Arkham. Batman and The Joker have gone together like peas and carrots for over 75 years. From comics to video games, here is a list of times the Joker confessed he’s in love with Batman. In the episode “Harlequinade,” the narrative offers a complicated idea, an unsettling paradigm in which Harley admits her willing participation in a toxic relationship. Joker's weapons included his signature Joker Venom (called "Joker Gas" in the series), razor sharp playing cards, grenades with Joker smiles on them, and a bomb shaped like a Jack-in-the-Box. Believing Batman to have been killed by a nobody low life, the Joker becomes inconsolably depressed upon realizing his thrill-seeking days with Batman were finally at an end. Though written specifically with young children in mind, The Lego Batman Movie is crammed with suggestive innuendo poking fun at the intimate relationship the Joker and Batman share. The battle quickly moves to the Joker’s cell, which leads to some hilarious dialogue from Mr. J. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. The central thesis behind "The Killing Joke," that Batman and the Joker are inverted reflections of one another, has… And Joker knows Batman knows Joker knows — I’ll stop. Starting with 1942's Batman #12, Joker did not want to just kill Batman to get him out of his way. Kevin Erdmann is one of Screen Rant's staff writers. Worrying that marrying Catwoman would cause Bruce Wayne to hang up the cape and cowl, the Joker lures her into a church where he then shoots her in the stomach. Joker's relationship with Bruce/Batman in The Enemy Within was similar to Harvey Dent/Two-Face's in the first game; friendly but changes to antagonistic, depending on the choices made by the player. I thought we had something special!” cries the Joker as Batman gets rag-dolled in front of his cell.